Data is Nutritious

Data Engineer's Memo

parquet-tools is easy and useful


  • I installed parquet-tools and try to use it.
  • It's easy to install and useful to fetch parquet files on Amazon s3

How to install parquet-tools

Original Apache parquet-tools is not easy to use since it needs build using Java.

But it's simple. Just

pip install parquet-tools

How to use it

Show parquet file contents.

parquet-tools show /path/to/parquet
|   one | two   | three   |
|  -1   | foo   | True    |
| nan   | bar   | False   |
|   2.5 | baz   | True    |

Show parquet file schema.

parquet-tools inspect /path/to/parquet

############ file meta data ############
created_by: parquet-cpp version 1.5.1-SNAPSHOT
num_columns: 3
num_rows: 3
num_row_groups: 1
format_version: 1.0
serialized_size: 2226

############ Columns ############

############ Column(one) ############
name: one
path: one
max_definition_level: 1
max_repetition_level: 0
physical_type: DOUBLE
logical_type: None
converted_type (legacy): NONE

############ Column(two) ############
name: two
path: two
max_definition_level: 1
max_repetition_level: 0
physical_type: BYTE_ARRAY
logical_type: String
converted_type (legacy): UTF8

############ Column(three) ############
name: three
path: three
max_definition_level: 1
max_repetition_level: 0
physical_type: BOOLEAN
logical_type: None
converted_type (legacy): NONE